इस पोस्ट के नीचे दिया है इटली के कोर्ट का जजमेंट
The Italian court’s judgment exposes the role of Sonia
Gandhi, Manmohan Singh in AgustaWestland Chopper Deal. The 225-page judgment
also reveals that Sonia’s Political Secretary accepted the commission of €15 to
16 million ($17 – 18 million) from the middlemen. The judgment of the appeal
court in Milan convicting AgustaWestland chopper company chief Giuseppe Orsi
described how the firm paid bribes to top Congress leaders in India and lobbied
with them to bag the Rs 3600-crore ($451 million) deal. Reproducing the
handwritten notes seized from middlemen, the judgment says that the political
leaders accepted the commission of 15 to 16 million Euros (around Rs.120 to 125
crores) in the controversial purchase of 12 VVIP chopper deal. It also names
the role of Sonia Gandhi’s trusted aide and AICC General Secretary Oscar
Fernandes and the then National Security Advisor MK Narayanan (Page 193).
The 225-page judgment of the appeal court in Milan also
annexed several documents, handwritten notes exchanged between the middlemen on
how the total commission of Euro 30 million between India’s political leaders,
bureaucracy, and Air Force officials.
Payoff details of Euro 30 million for the AgustaWestland
chopper deal
Sonia Gandhi’s name (signora GANDHI) is mentioned four
times, two times each on page 193 and 204 of the judgment, convicting Orsi and
other officials of Finmeccanica, the firm which manufactures AgustaWestland
VVIP Choppers. Orsi and other officials were convicted for four and a half

A letter dated March 15, 2008, seized by investigators shows
the main middleman Christian Michel, who is still a fugitive, writing to Peter
Hulet, then India region sales and liaison head of the helicopter company. The
letter states that Sonia is the main driving force behind this deal and she
will no longer fly in the existing MI- 8 choppers. The letter is quoted
verbatim in the judgment. Details of lobbying and corruption of Congress
leadership, writing to the then British High Commissioner in India that he
should target top Congress leadership for clinching the deal are clearly
Names of Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh and Ahmed Patel in Pg
204“Dear Peter, since Mrs. Gandhi is the driving force behind VIP will no
longer fly in the MI-8. Mrs. Gandhi and her closest advisers are the people who
the British ambassador should target,” said the letter of Michel seized by the
probe team. This letter was seized from the home of arrested middleman Guido
Haschke in later early 2013.
The judgment also says Haschke had identified all the
Congress leaders including Sonia Gandhi and Ahmed Patel on the court when their
photos were shown to him during the trial by the Italian prosecution.
The note says Political leaders were to be allotted 15 to 16
Million Euro and the name shown to political level was noted as AP. Only one
political leader to whom the money handed over is shown as AP, which refers to
Ahmed Patel as confirmed on page 204 (see picture above). The note also shows
on sharing the commission with ‘Family’ and the Judgment says it meant the
family of the then Air Force Chief S P Tyagi.
Page Nos. 163 and 164 names Manmohan Singh and details that
Orsi used Italian leadership and diplomats to contact the then Prime Minister
to scuttle the probe by non-cooperation from Indian government side. In Page
163, the Judgment produces a hand-written note by Orsi from jail in July 2013
asking his people to contact then Italian Prime Minister Monti or Ambassador
Terracciano to call Manmohan Singh.
Handwritten note by Orsi to call PM Singh
“Call Monti or Amb. Terracciano in my name to ask him to
call the PM Singh,” said the note seized from the prison cell of Orsi. The
Judgment in several areas blames the non-cooperation from Indian authorities
including Defence Ministry and other probe agencies in 2013.
1. The conversion rate is 1 Euro = 1.1264 US Dollars
2. 1 US Dollar = 66.525 Rupees
Below is the translation of Pages 162-165 of the judgment.
The complete judgment (in Italian) is at the end of this post. The grammar may
not be perfect in some sentences – it is reproduced here for completeness.
The documents also show a wide range of “surrounding”
circumstances that outline a more widespread and grave dimension of the case
(both from the point of view of the number of the people involved and in terms
of financial data than it appears from the description given in Chapter A)
which is unlikely to be clarified, due to the limits that the investigations
have met in the present case, particularly because of the lack of responses
from countries involved in the case, to the requests of assistance placed by
the Italian Judicial Authority: this showing a substantial disregard to arrive at
a full explanation of the facts, effectively demonstrated by the procedural
behavior of the Indian Ministry of Defense (which brought a civil action in the
criminal proceedings in the first instance of this judgment), already
effectively stigmatized in the appealed judgment.
This attitude of the Indian authorities with regard to this
trial clearly brings to mind an episode that occurred to ORSI during the
preliminary investigation, and falls within the context of the previously
mentioned initiatives of the defendants intended to disperse and tamper the
evidence, and to create elements which are favorable and coherent with the
pre-agreed line of defense.
In the period in which the above (ORSI) was jailed at the
prison of Busto Arsizio, the custodial agents found in his cell, among his
papers, a handwritten note (a copy of which was produced in the proceedings)
which reads:
“Call Monti
in my name to ask him
to call the P.M. Singh”
Given the date on which the document was found (03/07/13),
the information contained in the text, the context in which the protagonists of
this story act and move, and other indications which appear from the documents,
it is possible to identify the people mentioned (in addition to the lawyer of
the defendant):
“Monti”: it is undoubtedly the former Prime Minister Mario
MONTI, at that time still in office;
“amb . TERRACCIANO”: can be identified as Pasquale
TERRACCIANO, previously ambassador in Madrid, and, at the time, Diplomatic
Advisor to the Prime Minister;
“P.M. Singh”: the initials before the surname unequivocally
lead to Manmohan SINGH, Prime Minister in India from 2004 to 2014.
We are obviously not in a position to determine what was the
message that ORSI, during his detention, intended to send to the Head of the
Government of India, but the same can be guessed if we think – on one hand –
about the outcome of the requests for judicial assistance sent to Indian
Authorities, of which we spoke about above, and – on the other hand – about the
intense activities of evidence tempering which the protagonists of the story
carried out for a considerable period of time, and with a considerable
deployment of resources.
The memories written by the defense “skip” to talk about
such activities. They dedicate them only a few lines of the extensive defensive
memories of Spagnolini dated 03/24/16:
“This is the lawful alternative explanation that takes into
consideration also Haschke’s wish … to get rid of some papers – which instead
have been found at Agusta and that pertained to consulting activities provided
by GORDIAN and which could be mixed with the contract of engineering works”.
In addition to the attempt of the defense to circumscribe
Haschke’s behaviour to the hiding of “some papers”, the defense here repeats the
same reductive interpretative line already seen for the dialogue between
Haschke and GEROSA on the corruption and omits to quote any reference to the
prolonged tampering activities of the evidence base directly attributable to
the accused, and any reference to the agreements on the defensive line and on
the representation of the incident to be provided to the Judicial Autority in
order to give a semblance of legality to their relations: this, given the
absence of any explanation from interested parties or contradicting versions,
inevitably results in a further argument in favor of the prosecution.
In brief, from the analyzed conversations we can get
unequivocal indications about:
The corruption of an Indian public officer, identified as
the cousin of the Tyagi brothers: in this regard, the explicit content of the
dialogue is sufficient to establish the “reasonable belief that corruption took
place” (recalling GEROSA’s own words);
The involvement of different people in the task, including
the instrumental connection between the corruption and the
Indian contract
the money used for this purpose, the amounts transferred to
accounts in Mauritius Islands, the cash payments in favor of the Tyagi “family”
and other Indian people, still in progress at that time;
the means and tricks used for the creation of the illicit
About this, ORSI and his defenders evoke a conspiracy
hatched by the
“old guard” of FINMECCANICA against him, as the leader of a line
of radical renovation: hypothesis that cannot be accepted, due to the absence
of reliable evidence.
Italian Court Judgment on Augusta Westland
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